Saturday 29 June 2013

Beasts within us: #1 - Loneliness

"Every man walking into a brothel is a man looking for God" - some guy I don't know (I was too lazy to google him).

I'm pretty sure some of the things I write about are there in the Bible, but I'm not exactly a "prayer warrior" or seasoned Bible reader, so I wouldn't know. Each and every human being was born with an insatiable hunger, a hunger placed in us by God, for God. Many people don't know it is there and even after being a Christian for some time, not even I knew that it existed and if by some miracle I did, I had no idea the extent thereof. I honestly think many people do not know of this hunger and therefore many of the modern day "addictions" aren't really addictions but a longing for something, something you don't know exists and something you don't know how to satisfy.

Think of it like this: imagine a robot being designed and manufactured with a primary mission, to find X. In this scenario, X is the final component of the robot's makeup,failure to find X will mean that the robot is, although fully functional, never complete (imagine that this in the era of artificial intelligence and what not). The robot is programmed to execute its mission but chooses to ignore it and instead goes on a quest for other things. The robot is destined for failure because it will never find X, it will always have a "hunger" to fulfil the function which X plays in its design but because of the robot's choice (whether it knows of its mission or not) it will forever long to find things which can perform the function of X but these will only serve as a temporary solution.

In the very same way we human beings are made. Inside each and every one of us exists a fire, much like a volcano. It burns daily and everything we choose to quench it with which is not God becomes a futile exercise, equivalent to attempting to extinguish the volcano with drops of water. The droplets change in nature but not in effect therefore some choose porn, a relationship (even marriage), food, sex. Whatever you choose, its still a droplet attempting to put out a volcano. Now this where things become interesting...

Before we go on, the reference to animals is in no-way linked to the occult, I couldn't call these things demons because the Christians would freak out so animals is what I went with.

So this might seem irrelevant but it actually isn't. God looks at us each and every day with new eyes, the old is forgotten and He sees us in a new light, right? But so too does the devil. You see the devil doesn't go after us with any regard or respect for the 5 year trophy we esteem for being Born-again. That information only matters to him because there are possibly somethings you won't fall for but apart from that, he comes after with renewed passion and hunger on a daily basis. His tactics don't go weary with the passing of time nor does his passion to see us fall. So with that said, we now see that in the devil is also there with us throughout our lifetime. He knows where and when you are weakest, how you are weakest and even why you are weakest. So I'm not sure about the exact process and stuff but ultimately this is what boils down to. When we are deprived of  God, that's when (sometimes) these animals are birthed and the stronger these animals grow. For now I am going to deal with the most one I understand the most, Loneliness. 

This is probably the greatest of these animals. It is has the strength of lion but can morph into an ant. Its diet is flexible, it eats anything and everything. It acts like a virus in that it can lie dormant for many years, possibly even a lifetime, so long as its fed. Its hunger is insatiable. I have lived with this animal since childbirth, it has or had at most times in my life been full so it never bothered me. The danger with this animal is that it deprives you of time, a relationship with your Creator. Its so subtle that it can do this while you are busy with Christian activities, feeding the hungry, visiting shelters, preaching on Sunday, but never know Jesus Christ. I've been a Christian, done the theory, read the books, I had it figured out. I mean I came up with that volcano analogy so to people around I was wise. But walking with Jesus isn't something you "get done", at no point do you get it under your belt and thereafter walk passively, each day is a new one and so must our passion be. I became aware that this animal existed in me when I tried spending more time with myself and I couldn't. I'd always get distracted or find something to do so as not be bored, but that something was never just chilling with Jesus and chatting. All along it had been masked, because of sex, relationships (Great Godly Relationships), friends, partying. Now I'm not saying any of these things are bad, I'm just saying that this animal can hide anywhere and infiltrate anything. Anything made by God, but subsequently becomes devoid of him is useless, Hell is a prime example. Now some of you in relationships are thinking, "thas just you nigga, I ain't got that". My words to you are: The greatest enemy will hide in the last place you will think to look.

I'm not saying breakup with your partner but do ask yourself some important things. When was the last time you were alone? I mean alone alone. Not just away from your partner, but in complete solidarity. Now what did you do when you were alone? BBM? Twitter? Facebook? Whatsapp? Then you weren't really alone were you? And were you doing anything else when you were "alone"? Cooking? Cleaning? Studying? Working? Gyming? Remember, this animal eats anything and it's only purpose is to drive a wedge between you and Jesus, it will use anything, even "Godly" things. 

Now in my life I've seen this animal. I've seen its patterns but I am helpless to do anything about it without God. In hindsight I now see that listening to God when he speaks is for our good, whollly so, because in obedience we destroy things we  didn't even know existed, things we couldn't have known existed. I have lost a considerable amount to this animal but I'm glad I've now seen it, I would have kept substituting its diet until I got to heaven, even with a Godly marriage, and then Jesus was gonna be like "I never knew you". I don't profess to be an expert on anything nut this is just the little bit of knowledge I have from my experiences. Please try doing this for one weekend, I ask that you, for one day sit and do nothing (for some people a day might be a lot because you are so busy (its at this point that I'd like to remind you of the animals purpose)) and I literally mean do nothing, No emails, social networks, basically no communication with anyone, for some people they might have to cook the day before and have enough food for two days).
And see how close you get to insanity. Then on day two, stay without activity but this time around, talk to God. I don't mean "prayer", I mean talk to Him like He's there with you, because He actually is. There will be a difference. I'm not bff's with Jesus yet, but we're getting there. I hope and pray that each and every person will identify and starve this animal, if it's there in your life and that we will know God, greater than any Biblical figure there was.